
1.中远海运散货运输有限公司,广东 广州510220;2.青岛远洋船员职业学院,山东 青岛266071


Discussion on the Serious Burning and Melting Accident of Thrust Bearing Caused by Loss of Lubricating Oil in Main Engine
ZHU Ben—yong1,LI Cheng—fu2

1.COSCO Shipping Bulk CO., Ltd, Guangzhou510220, China;2.Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariners College, Qingdao266071, China

main engine; the thrust shaft; main lubricant pump




Abstract:The main engine of a ship is a very important equipment in the engine room. The main engine is as important to the ship as the human heart is to the human. Once the failure may lead to very serious consequences, this paper mainly introduces a major accident caused by the lack of lubricating oil in the main engine. Through this accident introduction and cause analysis, it is expected to provide a reference for ship turbine managers in dealing with the main engine failure, troubleshooting and daily maintenance of the main engine.
