
(大连中远海运川崎船舶工程有限公司,辽宁大连 116052)

DXF; XDW; 二维码

Program Design and Development for Adding QR Code to & Printing the Pipe Processing Drawings
QIAN Hua—long

(Dalian COSCO KHI Ship Engineering CO.,LTD, Dalian 116052, China)

DXF, .XDW, .QR code



The traditional operation method of galvanizing pipe numbering in shipyard is to write the pipe number and other information on pipe processing drawing on the pipe wall by manual marker compared with the drawing. In this paper, .the computer small program is used on galvanized pipe yipin electronic drawings to add the QR code containing pipe number and other information. Through the handheld printer to scan the QR code, the relevant information is printed on the pipe. spray printing is fast, clear and accurate, and the disadvantages of manual work is effectively overcome.